
Publications are the organisations that issue sources. Typical records in this entity type include media organisations, non-governmental organisations, state bodies, and governments. We record these distinctly from sources and citations, rather than simply as values within those types of record.

This document provides an overview of what information we store about publications.

Source: Summary of attributes

The table below summarises the following dimensions of source records:

  • Attribute label: a human readable label for the attribute

  • Attribute name: a unique machine-readable name for the attribute, used during data capture

  • Status: whether the attribute is optional or required in a records

  • Data type: the sort of data that can be entered into the attributes

  • Conformed name: a standardized name that simplifies attribute use in SFM databases

Attribute label

Attribute name


Data type

Conformed name

Publication: Unique Identifier





Publication: Name





Publication: Level of State Control





Publication: Country





Publication: Research Comments





Source: Details of attributes

This section contains further information about each attribute, including descriptions, examples of use, and guidance on use.

Publication: Unique Identifier

Attribute name



A unique 32 character code assigned to each publication.

Attribute type

String in UUID format.


This attribute is required.

Example of use


Guidance on use

This value is a Universally Unique Indentifier (UUID) generated using a computer program. The attribute Source: Publication Unique Identifier draws from the values stored in this attribute.

Publication: Name

Attribute name



Full name of the publication

Attribute type



This attribute is optional.

Example of use

Agence Malienne de Presse, Voice of Nigeria, The Aviationist

Guidance on use

This attribute is used to record the full, official name of a publication.

Publication: Level of State Control


This is an experimental field, and is not yet fully implemented. A better way to approach this would be to reframe this as a claim about a publication, meaning the specific page/datapoint of State Media Monitor’s research would become a citation that could also change over time.

Attribute name



An attribute to store an assessment made about the extent of state control of the publication.

Attribute type

Single value from controlled list


This attribute is optional.

Example of use

CaPu, IP

Guidance on use

This experimental attribute is designed to enable the analysis of the data we hold that is derived from both state sources.

In this attribute, we store information about the publication which is drawn from the research of State Media Monitor into the degree of state control over a publication. There are seven categories in State Media Monitor’s typology:

  • SC: State Controlled Media

  • CaPu: Captured Public/State Managed Media

  • CaPr: Captured Private Media

  • ISFM: Independent State Funded and State Managed Media

  • ISF: Independent State Funded Media

  • ISM: Independent State Managed Media

  • IP: Independent Public Media

Publication: Country

ttribute name



The primary country where the publication is established.

Attribute type

Single vaue, from list


This attribute is optional.

Example of use


Guidance on use

Values for this attribute are chosen from the list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes, which can be found (on the ISO website and on Wikipedia. Sometimes, this attribute is difficult to populate as the country of establishment of a publication can be obscure.

Publication: Research Comments

Attribute name



Observations specific to the process of reviewing data about this publication, including fixes, refinements and other suggestions.

Attribute type



This attribute is optional.

Example of use

Publication country is incorrect, State Media Monitor doens't have an entry for this publication

Guidance on use

Staff Researchers use this attribute to pass on feedback about the data about the publication itself. This may include the progress made in extracting information from the sources this publication has issued, and other specific remarks about the quality of the data about a publication. Data in this attribute are not intended for publication.